General Information of Self-Access Reading Resources

 Textbook : Middle School English 3 / 천재교육 (김덕기 외)

Target Students : 3rd grade in middle school

Proficiency Level : Advanced level

Collection Plot : There are 5 categories with 4 reading materials each.

Type of Categories : The categories are chapter-based. Each chapter has one reading topic. So, I choose reading materials that are related with the topics in reading text. And I choose the authentic topics among 10 chapters that students are likely to feel helpful in their daily lives.

Purpose :
   The first purpose of these reading materials is to motivate students’ reading activity. Students can enjoy their reading and improve their extensive, intensive reading skills.
   The second purpose is that students can understand better about the chapters in textbook. Usually students try to memorize and analyze the reading texts to get a better score in the exam. But, this course can increase their understandings of the contents of the text. In addition, it will activate and expand their schemata based on their learning in class.

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