Treasure Hunt

1. Textbook info: 능률 교육 / Lesson 3. Challenging New Worlds
2. Reading topic: Billy Elliot
3. Your comment on the reading activities in this chapter (e.g types of reading activities provided/not provided in this chapter):

     First of all, the contents of the reading text are very interesting. It is a story of "Billy Elliot". This story is well known for a musical as well as a movie. This is a story of a boy who struggled to achieve his own dream and finally made it. Therefore, it can be a great lesson to many teenagers who are continuously concerned about their own future dreams and objectives.
     Second, there are various visual aids and Internet materials related with "Billy Elliot" that can help students to understand the texts better. If the teacher wants to give additional information of it, he or she can find it easily in the Internet.
     Next, the questions included in the textbook (especially in while reading process) are focused on comprehension reading skills. They can help students naturally follow the flow of story. In addition, students can improve their extensive reading skills by finding right answer for those questions.
     Finally, some post-reading activities seem to be helpful to improve students' way of using schemata. For example, "Over to you" in "After You Read" includes further information that are not dealt with concretely in the reading text. The question in the activity gives students a chance to think about their own experience.

     First, most reading activities are related with comprehension skills. It means that students hardly have opportunities to improve their various other reading skills. For example, there are 5 questions in the while reading process. Among them, 4 questions are for comprehension checking. In the post-reading activities (After You Read), activity A, B, and C are related with reading comprehension development; finding fact from false, sequencing, making inference. Therefore, more activities that cover other reading skills are needed.
     Second, students may be bored at doing many activities that usually require comprehension reading skills. Although the story of "Billy Elliot" is interesting, students may lose concentration by constant question solving. We can overcome this problem if the teacher provide various audiovisual materials to the students. They will show interests and concentrate on the activities after watching some part of the movie or musical of "Billy Elliot". In addition, the teacher can suggest well-written movie reviews or several true stories that are similar to the movie. Then, students may feel more impressed and take part in the class actively.
4. Treasure hunt (supplement activity)
Article Title : Reading Gender: "Billy Elliot"
Author Name : Brittany Bland

Q1. What is Jackie and Tony's career?
Q2. How did Mrs. Wilkinson make an effort to persuade Elliot's father(Jackie)?

Q3. What is the main point that the author wants to say in this article, in terms of gender role? 

Q4. Based on the passage, what do you think about Tony's character?

Q5. Describe your own experience that is similar to illy's one (overcoming other people's objection and achieving your own goal).

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