Help Guides for Serious Teen Issues

(Difficulty level: ★★★★★)


< Purpose>
 1. This is for in-class reading activity. This will be done after reading the “Read and Do”, “After You Read” in Chapter 2.

 2. The issues are very serious and important because many students suffered from these problems. But these troubles are rarely covered in the textbook. So it will be helpful for students to cope with each issue in their real life.

 3. The contents can be somewhat difficult for students even though this class is advanced level. So, teacher will encourage students to discuss and think together in the reading process, and will not focus on detailed words and grammatical knowledge. The use of dictionary will be accepted.
 4. Students will improve their reading skills such as summarizing, inferring main idea.

There are 8 teenager issues in this web page for parents as well as teenagers.

-Teen Depression: Guide for Parents

-Help for Parents of Troubles Teens

Among them, students can choose 6 reading materials which are the guides for teens, not for parents.

 1) Pre-reading

- Before reading, students will guess the meaning of each picture that has each issue of teen troubles. Students can discuss freely about what the pictures mean with their classmates and teacher. And the teacher will let them know the exact issues.

2) While-reading

- The teacher will divide the students in 6 groups (each group member will be 3~4). Each group will choose the different issue. After reading first time, group members will discuss together and ask questions each other if they are stuck in some parts. And they will summarize the texts. The use of dictionary will be accepted.

3) Post-reading

- Each group will present their topic issue to other groups. They can show their summary to other students. After the class, they have to hand out the summary to the teacher.


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